- Expert supervision on construction of storm water drainage in Vrbovec
- Expert supervision on the construction of aqueduct, storm water and fecal drainage and high-voltage grids for the entrepreneurial zone in Velika Ludina
- Expert supervision on the construction of the main drainage pipeline of the drainage system in the Pušća community and in the surrounding communities.
- Consultancy services of complete professional supervision on the construction of the Desno Trebarjevo embankment
- Consulting services for expert supervision on the design, procurement and construction of wastewater treatment plants in Dugo Selo, 25.000ES (yellow FIDIC)
- Complete expert supervision on the design, construction and testing of the Topolje 40 l/s and Prosine 30 l/s wellfields and of the water supply of North Baranja, in accordance to yellow FIDIC and occupational safety coordinator service
- Expert supervision on reconstruction of the wellfields and plants for the preparation of drinking water in Popovača, capacity 80 l/s